Quality page

quality our best guarantee

To meet the expectations of the national market with the production and marketing of our products with high quality standards and the best raw materials, to generate social welfare for our team and our customers.

An experience of more than 15 years at the service of our customers that we want to offer through our website to all the public and have a 100% satisfaction degree in the quality of all our articles, with a guaranteed service in their purchases.

Cuerdas Valero’s main pillar is to ensure its customers the following values:

Contact us

If you have any questions about what type of rope to use or how to buy with us, fill in and send the form you will find in the contact form tab and we will answer you, via email or telephone (if you provide it in your details) in a very short time. You will also find our contact details so that you can reach us in the easiest way for you, including by WhatsApp.


Contact us

If you are interested in purchasing any type of rope in any colour or thickness, please contact us.